Former Royal Engineer, Steve Boylan, and Normandy Veteran, Len Gibbon, celebrate England’s win vs Denmark in the Euro semi-final with other residents and staff at Care for Veterans in Worthing last night (7/7/21).
Care for Veterans is a UK charity which provides care and rehabilitation for disabled ex-service personnel and their immediate families. The majority of residents at its 60-bed facility in Worthing have an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) or a degenerative neurological condition, such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and Parkinson’s.
For more information, call 01903 213458 or visit
< Back to NewsCheers - Len Gibbon right with veteran Steve Boylan. WW2, Normandy landings veteran Len Gibbon, 97 watches the Euro 2021 semi-final fixture between England vs Denmark at the Care for Veterans Care Home in Worthing, West Sussex. Care for Veterans is a UK charity which provides care and rehabilitation for physically disabled ex-service personnel and their immediate families. To find out more, please call 01903 213458 or go to
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