Mr James, author of 12 consecutive Sunday Times no.1s whose books have sold 19 million copies worldwide, took to the stage for almost an hour. He discussed his incredible career and shared fascinating, and often hilarious, stories and insights. He then answered questions from the audience, and signed books for waiting fans.
Before the event, Mr James explained: “All of us owe a debt beyond our imagination to our Veterans. It is always humbling to meet them, and it is a very great honour and joy to be able to participate in supporting them.”
Elizabeth Baxter, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at Care for Veterans, said: “We are delighted that such a well-known and well-respected author as Peter James has helped to raise money for our veterans. It was so kind of him to undertake this event, and to donate his time and talent – we can’t thank him enough. The fantastic amount of money raised will be very well spent on those ex-Servicemen and women in our care.”
Worthing-based, Care for Veterans, provides residential nursing care, rehabilitation, respite and end of life care to physically disabled ex-Service personnel and their families, and will celebrate its centenary next year.
Peter James (centre) with the Fundraising Team
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