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Applying & Funding

How can I apply to live at Care for Veterans?

You can make the initial enquiry either from our website or by emailing our Commissioning and Placements Officer Pauline Jones at or by calling 01903 213458 and asking for Pauline.

Can I apply on behalf of a relative/ friend?

Anyone can apply on behalf of a relative/friend. We are happy to liaise with a third party as long as the potential resident is aware and happy for this to happen.

What can I expect to happen after I have submitted an initial enquiry?

Following the initial enquiry, Pauline will either post or email an information pack out, depending on your preferred contact method. This contains a letter outlining the fee structure, an ‘about us’ leaflet and an application form. The application form needs to be completed and returned to Pauline. The first page is general/personal information and pages 2 and 3 are a medical questionnaire to be completed by a GP or hospital doctor.

Once Pauline has received the application, she will arrange for someone to do a pre-admission assessment. This is just to gather information about how much or how little help is needed, to gain knowledge of any medical conditions and prescribed medications and to find out your likes and dislikes.

Following assessment, provided there are no problems, you will be given a cost and a possible admission date. You are welcome to come and have a look at the facilities at any time during this process. Please let us know when you are coming in so that we can make sure someone is available to show you around and answer any questions you may have.

Is there anyone who can support me in the application process?

Pauline is available to answer any questions in relation to the process and can offer advice/alternatives for getting the medical questionnaire completed if this is proving difficult.

Is there any funding available to support my residency?

Funding comes from different streams – for example, if someone is in hospital following a stroke, then there is the possibility of some CHC funding for a period of rehabilitation. This is best discussed with the hospital social worker, who will be able to make the referral to them.

Social Services funding is available to anyone whose assets/savings are below £23,250. From October 2025, this will rise to £100,000 in savings. They will do a financial assessment and calculate how much they could pay towards fees. Exactly how much your council will pay depends on what care you need and how much you can afford to pay (contribution).

Self-funders may be entitled to the funded nursing care contribution from the NHS if they have any nursing needs. We would make a referral for this following admission.

How do I find out if I am eligible for funded care?

The first step is for your council to do an assessment to check how much help you need. This is called a needs assessment. The needs assessment is free and anyone can ask for one. If you need care, the council will then do a free financial assessment (means test) to determine what you will have to pay for your care.
The means test can lead to these outcomes:
  • The council pays the maximum amount towards your care and you might have to pay a contribution
  • The council pays a smaller part of the cost and you pay the rest
  • You pay the full cost of your care

If the council is going to pay towards your care, you will get a personal budget. The amount will be worked out when the council makes a care and support plan with you.​ You can choose to get your personal budget in three ways, or a combination of them:

  • Direct payment into your bank account for you to use for some types of care – the council will usually ask for receipts to see if you are spending the money on care
  • The council arranges for your care and pays your care providers for you
  • An organization you choose, such as an individual service fund, manages your personal budget for you.

More questions?

Commissioning and Placements Officer Pauline Jones would be happy to help. Please email her at, call 01903 213458 and ask for Pauline, or fill in the form below.


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