If you’re not confident with a camera or camera phone, you could ask someone who is to take the picture for you, or we’ve put together some handy tips below to help you out.
Large, clear photos.
Please make sure the picture is as large, clear and well-lit as possible. Sometimes, your email provider will ask if you want to send the images as small, medium, large, or actual size. Please choose ‘actual size’.
No collages.
We want to be able to see your garden in all its glory. Therefore, please avoid sending collages.
Light is everything.
If possible, please make sure the images are well-lit and not taken too far into the evening. Dark pictures often come out grainy and fuzzy, so it won’t show your garden off at it’s best!
Equally, too much direct sun can ruin a photo so best to take photos after sunrise and in the few hours before sunset. Bonus points for that gorgeous sunset golden glow!
Get creative.
To really show off your garden, try taking photos from different angles and distances. Try the whole garden, or get up close to individual plants. Get creative!
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